Friday, December 14, 2012

2 Weeks Old

Allyson is 2 weeks old now. She is doing great. We've had a busy/scary week. Saturday night I was taken to the hospital (they should know me by name & have a room reserved for me by now). I had to have an emergency D&C (dilation and curettage). It was not fun. While the doctor was trying to avoid having to do the D&C, I was in so much pain they gave me four doses of morphine and it didn't help at all. After seeing that there were just too many clots they decided to send me to the OR for the procedure. My blood was too thin so I couldn't have an epidural so they had to put me under with general anesthesia. The procedure only took about 30 minutes but I was out of it until Monday morning. My eyes were a little swollen and I felt like I had not slept for days. I am fine now and am hoping that was the last of the hospital I will see. Danny has been a life-saver. He has taken care of the kids while I was in the hospital (and while I am at home too & he's taking care of me too).

Allyson's next pediatric appointment is Monday. Part of her umbilical cord came off today (or in the middle of the night, I didn't discover it until this morning). She eats like crazy so I am curious to see how much weight, if any, she has gained. She only woke up once last night, it was wonderful sleeping for more than a couple of hours at a time.

Allyson visiting me in the hospital Sunday afternoon.

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