Friday, March 1, 2013

3 Months

Ally is 3 months old now and is doing great. She's getting so big! Today my mom made her laugh, her first laugh, at the warehouse; it was adorable. I then picked up my phone and recorded her doing it again...
She sleeps through the night for the most part now; it's so nice. She coos and "talks" more often which is adorable. This weekend we are starting her on baby cereal. She stays hungry all day so I think she is ready for it.
Ally's Aunt Shannon B. found out she is having a girl! Now Ally will have a buddy & someone to give her clothes to :) She's outgrowing everything so quickly. As soon as things settle down around here (yeah right), I will start making some things for baby B who is due in July. Here are 2 dresses I made for Ally over the last couple of weeks: