Tuesday, April 30, 2013

5 Months & Rolling

Ally is 5 months old today! Time is flying by. She finally rolled over this morning, it made her a very happy baby.

Her last doctor's visit was the 22nd, she had a little cold and ear infection. She weighs 16.8 pounds! Big girl!

Last Friday, we went to the kid's Field Day at their school. Ally was so good. She never cried and we were there for a few hours.

All in all, Ally is doing great. she's such a good baby. God keeps blessing this family!

Monday, April 1, 2013

4 Months

Happy Baby waiting for lunch
Ally is now 4 months old and is as cute and as sweet and she can be. I took her to the doctor today and she had 5 immunizations and is doing well. She weighs 15 pounds (90%), is 25.5" (90%) and her head circumference is 17 1/4 (95%). Eczema is the only issue we are dealing with now, Ally's entire body is covered with rashes so the doctor prescribed a steroid ointment. Her next appt is for her 6 month check up.

We started rice and oatmeal cereal a few weeks ago and have started fruits now (first, apple sauce, then bananas). The girl knows how to eat & loves her baby food so far. Ally's not rolling over yet, but does like to sit up (and try to sit up on her own). She laughs and "coo's" all the time now-she's a very happy baby. She sleeps from 9-6 most nights (amazing). Now I'm just waiting for her to say momma (although, she'll probably say dadda or Gage first). :o)

God has blessed us!

4 Month Check-up
1st Build-a-bear
