Baby Allyson is here! She was born November 30, at 7:46 PM. She weighed 7 lbs 15.2 oz and was 19 3/4" long. She's beautiful and healthy!
We were supposed to be admitted to the hospital that Friday morning at 8 AM but sat in the waiting room until about 10:30 and then were admitted. I was given pitocin to induce labor around 1 or 1:30, my water broke around 5, and then I was given the epidural around 5:30. Once I was ready, it only took 2 or 3 contractions & then Allyson was born. There were no complications during delivery; I couldn't have asked for a smoother labor (I had some pain of course, but no probs). Allyson has no health problems. Mommy is fine too. I am back on coumadin (no more injections!) :)
We've been spending this first week together at home. It has been wonderful. Allyson hasn't had any problems feeding or sleeping. She really is a good baby. God has blessed us! We are looking forward to what God has planned for our family and this beautiful baby girl.